Graphic design is a form of communication that involves the use of visual elements to tell a story, convey ideas, or communicate messages. It is a marketing tool, and it is essential for graphic designers to be empathetic in order to effectively communicate with their target audience. Additionally, graphic designers must be able to identify and address any problems they may be facing, and be able to incorporate visual elements into their projects. Furthermore, graphic designers must possess problem-solving skills, as well as the capacity to be patient and adaptable in order to become successful. As a result, graphic designers receive a wealth of feedback and opportunities to improve. Graphic Designing Course Rawalpindi – Adobe Illustrator
Graphic design is an art form that requires a wide range of skills to be successful. It is a tool used to communicate brand stories, ideas, and messages, and it is essential to be empathetic and have an understanding of the target audience’s needs. Additionally, graphic designers must be problem-solvers and be able to create visual assets that communicate a story and motivate the user to take a certain action. To ensure success in the field, graphic designers must have a limitless supply of creative ideas and the ability to adapt their work to meet the needs of the target audience. Additionally, they must be open to change and receive feedback to improve their work. Graphic Designing Course Rawalpindi – Adobe Illustrator
Module – 1) Adobe Illustrator Professional:
Whether it’s a graphic designer, web designer, photographer or digital media expert, Adobe Illustrator is the tool used for digital creative purpose.
It also covers the fundamentals which are required to learn to master the designing skills on Illustrator.
- Concept of layers in Illustrator
- Concept of masking in Illustrator
- Logo design and its fundamentals
- Evolution of the alphabet and letter-form design
- Working with clients
- Process of creating mobile layouts
- Process of creating website layouts
- Color and its use in digital space
- Defining a perspective grid
Module – 2) Adobe Photoshop Professional:
Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing tool. Adobe Photoshop Professional course is designed as job oriented course for graphics and web designers.
- Impact of various photographic compositions
- The process of cropping and manipulate photographs to enhance meaning
- Layout and advert design/editorial design
- Professional layout examples
- Process of creating mobile layouts
- Process of creating assets for mobile apps (looking at specific design/layout sizes commonly used in mobile app design)
- Resolution and quality issues
- Viewing/opening documents
- Toolbar
- Background v layer, creating layers
- Changing background
- Preserving data
- Re-arranging
- Hiding, locking/unlocking
- Naming, deleting
- Layer opacity
Module – 3) Corel Draw:
- Exploring the CorelDraw Screen
- Freehand Tool
- Rectangle Tool
- Ellipse Tool
- Setting Up the Page
- Deleting, Moving, Scaling, Rotating & Skewing
- Shape Tool – Used to give shape(curve) to a line.
- Knife Tool – Used to cut an object from node to node
- Erase Tool
This Course also included Freelancing training.
Graphic Designing Course Rawalpindi Call # 0311-5559404 Graphic Designing Course Rawalpindi – Adobe Illustrator